Dr. Brewster Scott, ND, R.TCM.P
Naturopathic Medicine and Chinese Medicine in the Cowichan Valley
H&H: 851 Cormorant St | Victoria, BC V8W 1R2
Uvictory: 3800 Finnerty Rd SUB Rm B132 | Victora, BC
Fertility Awareness Method Workshop for Women
This workshop is meant to empower women to have knowledge of and control over their own reproduction, without using hormones.
Dr. Scott, ND teaches women how to monitor their menstrual cycle and determine when they are fertile and non-fertile. The cornerstone of this method is understanding and tracking when a woman ovulates. Armed with this information women can increase the probability of conception or avoid it altogether.
This seminar is helpful for:
- Women interested in learning about menstrual health
- Women with irregular menstrual cycles
- Women looking to conceive
- Women looking for an alternative to the birth control pill
Cost: $40
Next offering: TBA - for more information please email dr.brewsterscott@gmail.com
We are currently accepting new patients.
Contact us now to book a 15 min complimentary assessment. Find out how we can help you invest in your health and wellbeing.
Feel and live better one step at a time
Gordon Head: Victory Therapeutics Ltd. 3800 Finnerty Rd SUB Rm B132 | Victoria, BC, V8P 5C2
Cowichan Valley: Pestle and Pins, 4705 Trans Canada Hwy, Unit D | Duncan, BC, V9L 6E1
Purely Wellness
101-15 Canada Ave | Duncan, BC, V9L 1T3