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For standard appointments:

Victory Health and Wellness

3800 Finnerty Rd.

Uvic Student Union Building Rm B 132 

Right infront of the Cinecenta


Heart and Hands Health Collective

For Accessible Naturopathic Care:

(Sliding Scale 30 min appointments with online intake)

Heart and Hands Health Collective

851 Cormorant St

Victoria BC

V8W 1R2

Near Wildfire Bakery


 Feel and live better one step at a time

Gordon Head: Victory Therapeutics Ltd. 3800 Finnerty Rd SUB Rm B132 | Victoria, BC, V8P 5C2 


Cowichan Valley:  Pestle and Pins, 4705 Trans Canada Hwy, Unit D | Duncan, BC, V9L 6E1

Purely Wellness

101-15 Canada Ave | Duncan, BC, V9L 1T3

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